$2,999.00 AUD

Every year

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Centre Subscription

Managing illness in early learning settings is stressful. You face constant pressure to make the right decisions about sick children, balance family expectations, and are constantly worrying about illness spreading. The revolving door of sickness can lead to burnout and frustration.

This course helps overcome those challenges. With practical tools, clear guidance, and evidence-based knowledge, you will be able to:

  • Confidently manage illness.
  • Focus on prevention to keep everyone safe.
  • Reduce friction between staff, policies, and families.
  • Lessen the emotional burden and stress of handling childhood illness.



The purchaser will receive immediate access to the course modules. The purchaser also is responsible for sending a list of staff members (with their email addresses) to [email protected] 

All staff MUST have the same email address to validate they are from the same centre.

Certificates of completion will be issued to all validated users once all modules successfully are completed. 


Full terms and condition located in footer below.